Sunday, December 16, 2012

Transcendental Perspectives of Christ and Jesus

The Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts include commentary on "Christ Consciousness" and "The Christ Spirit."  Channeled reading transcript 254-93 of February 15, 1937 referred to Jesus as "who manifested the CHRIST-SPIRIT in the earth."  In 364-9 of April 28, 1932, question six about reincarnations of Jesus is answered: "Rather these have been as the Spirit of the Christ, or the Master walked among men, than incarnated in these different countries; for whether among the priest, as it were, in France — or among the lowly monk in England, or the warrior bold in America, the SPIRIT that 'God is ONE!  Prefer thy neighbor, thy brother, before thyself!'"  Buddha is mentioned in 900-187 of January 20, 1926 as one for whom "meditation in the forest brought to the consciousness of the entity the At-Oneness of ALL FORCE manifested through physical aspects, or physical, in a material world."

Similar information can be found in the Mahatma letters associated with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her fellow members of the Theosophical Society.  In K.H. Letter No. 59/LIX ("Received London about July, 1883.") is written: ". . . the man Jeshu was but a mortal like any of us, an adept more by his inherent purity and ignorance of real Evil, than by what he had learned with his initiated Rabbis and the already (at that period) fast degenerating Egyptian Hierophants and priests."

Jane Roberts wrote in Chapter Nine of The Seth Material (1970): ". . . Seth does not agree on the existence of one historical Christ, though he grants the legitimacy of the Christ spirit . . ."

Here are some excerpts from the third transcript of channeled communications from Yada di Shi-ite through Mark Probert presented in Yada Speaks (1979) edited by Ralph G. Warren.  The topic is Christianity.

It started with a group of men gathering together to teach and to further understand themselves, and the nature of the human being.  They were not seeking an outside God.  They were not seeking a god as the term implies, or a mystical, supernatural being.  But they were seeking a so-called First Cause, and this First Cause meant their origin — not a god!  Not a being!  But their origin!

From whence did I come?  These men were of great minds.  They had spent years of deep study and deep practice.  For to know something and not be able to apply that knowledge and put it into active use, it is of no worth whatsoever.  No matter how great it may be.  For all life is born out of action.  The moment man ceases to act, it is that moment he is dead, truly dead.

Then it was discovered in the growth of this council of men (which became a mystical order) that through certain practices, certain rituals, the human being could take his consciousness out of this physical world and become one with the Light.  Consciously so!  Meaning that they had discovered how to destroy the illusion called death!  And that is why you are here on this earth!

And out of this, where the Christian religion is concerned, came the story of the one called Jesus the Christ.  The story was about an initiation and had nothing to do with a crucifixion where that one was murdered upon a cross.  In order to save you and me — from what?  Now I want to talk to you but not from an emotional point — I cannot appeal to your emotions.  I will not do that.

But from reasoning do you feel that someone can save you from making mistakes?  That by their blood they are going to keep you from living consciously?  What causes the individual to make mistakes?  Because he is not living consciously.  Because he has not his consciousness on what he is doing.  Right here!  Right now!  In this moment!  His consciousness is always part here, part there — there — here — scattered all over.  So that he suddenly discovers that this he should be aware of doing has produced a mess.

When we are consciously aware of what we are doing, the results will be what they should be.

No teacher, low or high, can save you from living.  And in living, in action, there is always the possibility of making mistakes — more often than not.  Until we learn how to live and act in this moment consciously.

Yada also commented in this discourse that pupils or followers of a particular teacher become fascinated with the teacher's personality: "And so he is deaf and blind caught up in an emotional, hypnotic state and does not hear one word the teacher has said . . . this has happened to one called Jesus the Christ, and one called Gautama the Buddha, Brahma, Zoroaster, and all the teachers down through the ages."

In 2003 when I was being interviewed on an Oklahoma radio show, I was asked if I believe in Jesus Christ.  I answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is actually two different entities.  There was Jesus of Nazareth who was a Christed one by the Christ Force."

My spiritual awakening is chronicled in the documentary-style case study Testament (1997) utilizing unexpurgated transcripts of my interviews and journals along with photographs. I still have hundreds of microcassettes with interviews and audio journals that have not yet been transcribed.  There are also some typed journals as yet unpublished as I have thought it important to focus on the most essential events in my life.  The following is from my journal entry for July 19, 1998 concerning a Philosophical Research Society lecture given by Diane Skafte, Ph.D.

Today I enjoyed Dianne Skafte's lecture "Listening to the Oracle""The ancient oracles haven't stopped speaking, we have just forgotten how to listen" at the PRS.  She explained that an oracle could be a message, guidance, illumination, warning, information, glimpse into the future, remembrance about the past — any useful and concrete message that seems to come from a mysterious source beyond yourself.

Skafte brought with her sealed envelopes stamped with an image of the Oracle at Delphi.  These envelopes contained assorted symbols and were randomly distributed to attendees.  I was one of those in attendance who shared the meanings found in the symbol I received.  It was a purple/green (an interesting combination of inks) stamped representation of a fish.  I explained that it looked similar to the one I received at a restaurant some time ago that motivated me to become a vegan instead of a vegetarian who sometimes ate fish.  Skafte then asked me what relevance the symbol had for me now and I said something along the line, "Well the fish is also a symbol of the Christ so it's a very positive message."  

In 1995 when I made my research expedition to visit the Oklahoma family experiencing what had been described as a 'talking poltergeist' haunting, I had just turned thirty-nine and was working as a publicity writer with no idea that what was about to happen to me would compel me to immediately change my careerSince my spiritual awakening seventeen years ago, I have continued to read about metaphysical experiences of others living in many different countries and epochs.

One of the authors whose books I have found enlightening is Elizabeth Fuller.  The following paragraph from The Touch of Grace (1986) about 'faith healer' Grace DiBiccari presents one physician's response after attending a service and considering evidence of a healing facilitated by the gospel-singing American evangelist.

"If Grace is using some sort of trick to get people to fall down or to say that they're healed," Dr. Altbaum told me, "I don’t know what it is.  And if it's not a trick, what on earth is she doing at local high schools?  She should be seen by millions!"  Then he added cautiously, "If she’s for real, that is."

The first chapter of The Touch of Grace chronicles Elizabeth and her husband John’s experience upon attending a service in a suburban Connecticut high school auditorium.  "There were people leaving their wheelchairs, deaf ears were opening, cataracts and glaucoma were disappearing, depression was lifting, and alcoholics were being delivered . . . One by one, Grace continued to call out various types of illnesses and asked for the persons to come forward and claim their healings."

After the Fullers witnessed Grace diagnose a man seated several rows behind them with throat cancer, she asked the man to come forward for his healing.  Within minutes, he was stating to onlookers that for the first time in weeks he had no soreness from the throat cancer.  The stranger who was sitting next to Elizabeth was a retired Gulf + Western advertising manager who'd brought X-rays to prove a telephone conversation with Grace was followed by his doctors' discovery that only a tiny scar could be seen where a tumor had previously been found.  That evening, Grace "swept up the aisle and clasped her hand around John's wrist."  On stage, John Fuller stood in the healing line until it was his turn for Grace to touch his forehead.  Elizabeth confessed she never thought she'd see her husband go down like a bowling ball when Grace touched him.  Months later, the couple appraised that John's arrhythmia had been cured.

After the event in the high school auditorium, Elizabeth contacted Grace and arranged for her to visit a friend in the hospital with incurable cancer.  Although the friend died peacefully several weeks later, Elizabeth was impressed that Grace had responded to the call for help when both she and her friend were total strangers.  Grace also sang at the funeral.  While Grace couldn't facilitate a cure for everyone, Elizabeth's book chronicles her ability to help bring others an awareness of peace, joy and healing love.  Several weeks later, Grace read Elizabeth's book Nima, a Sherpa in Connecticut (1984).  The result was Elizabeth being asked by Grace to write her life story.

The Touch of Grace includes commentary from people cured while attending Grace's services along with responses of doctors and psychiatrists.  At a service presented by Grace at a maximum security prison for women, she delivered the message: "Right now, you can end those nightmares, those tears.  You can become a new person in Jesus Christ."

When one prisoner's deformed foot straightened after a prayer, another onlooker mumbled, "Mama, that's some baaaaad Jesus."

Grace replied to the startled observer, "And Jesus is going to fix your heart just like he fixed her foot."

As Grace DiBiccari stated in the book's Afterword:

I am often asked, "How does it feel to be used to heal the sick?"  People wonder if there is ever a moment when I lose myself and think that I am privileged to possess the ability to work a miracle.  I can only say that I never feel responsible for such an occurrence.  In fact, my impressions are just the opposite.  I am acutely aware that I am merely an instrument in God's hands, like a surgeon's scalpel or a maestro's baton.

Just as other extensively documented cases of transcendental communicationincluding those of John Dee, Helena Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts, Mark Probert, Leslie Flint, Rosemary Brown and Chico Xavierthe books of Guy and Edna Ballard provide a record of metaphysical doctrine.  Reciprocal teachings and patterns between the cases are as revealing as the aspects of novelty.

Unveiled Mysteries (1934) was the first volume of what is now called the Saint Germain Series of books.  Guy Warren Ballard (1878-1939) wrote under the pen name of Godfré Ray King to offer "a record of the way by which I was brought in touch with the Beloved Master, Saint Germain, and those other Great Ascended Masters . . ."  In the first chapter, "the Mighty God Presence" is equated with "the Pure Christ."  The book conveys the author's enthrallment with bringing to public attention the ascended masters' metaphysical expressions encompassing potentials for human evolution.  Here are two passages about the nature of the ascended masters from the quoted discourses presented by Ballard.

The Great Ascended Master of Love, Light, and Perfection who have guided the expansion of the light in humanity on this planet from the beginning, are no figment of anyone's imagination.  They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom, and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it.  They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power, to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.

The Ascended Master is the All-Knowing Mind and the All-Seeing Eye of God, for from him nothing can be hidden.

In The "I AM" Discourses (1935) — the first of many volumes of transcribed discourses dictated by the 'ascended masters'—further information is offered to prepare for "the expansion of Light."  Here are some excerpts.

. . . We are all one.
—Saint Germain

So long, individuals have wondered how to attain the Christ Consciousness.  The first mighty step, is in the recognition of the "Great I AM Presence," God dwelling in you.  The second step, is in the use of that "I AM Presence," for when you say, "I AM," with the understanding of what it means, you have then and there entered into the Christ Consciousness.

It does not mean you immediately express the fulness of that Christ Consciousness, for you must first know where you are going and what you wish to do, before you can accomplish it.

All the Ascended Ones have gone the same path, and use identically the same application; because all roads lead to the Great Central Sun, the God-Head.

Our Beloved Brother Jesus, performed one of the greatest blessings to mankind, in not only setting the example from his birth and achieving the Ascension; but in making the Eternal Record that stands radiant, pouring itself to humanity.

The Inner activity within and above Soldiers' Field last night, was one of the most Divine Activities since the advent of the Kumaras into the presence of the earth.

Circle upon circle rose above the surface of the earth and those seated within the field.  The first circle was formed by the Members of the Great White Brotherhood in their Golden Robes, being those whose outer forms have not yet made the Ascension.

Next came the Ascended Host of Masters who have made the Ascension.  Then came the Angel Devas and seven of the Cherubim.  The circle above them contained four of the Gods of the Mountains, three of whom you know, the other you shall know.  Around these were the Archangels of whom the Archangel Michael was the Director.

Surrounding the "Core of Light" within the center of the Field, extending for two hundred feet within the earth and to five thousand feet above, were Saint Germain, Jesus, the Tall Master from Venus and the Great Divine Director.  They were the Dispensers of the Mighty Currents of Energy sent to all parts of the earth to do their work with no uncertainty.

During the singing of the "Holy City," the Divine Pattern of that which is to become the "Holy City upon earth" was lowered into Its position, where It shall remain, until It becomes a visible, vibrant City of Light to the westward.  The exact position of this I may not yet disclose at the present time, but I assure you it was a Mighty Activity, which will become a Mighty Reality to the humanity of earth.

The representation of signing the Declaration of Independence, was to bring before the conscious attention of the earth and especially America, its unparalleled activity upon the earth; and to call it to the attention of the people of America, that they might hold close to and stand by the Original Constitution of the United States, which was and is a Divine Creation; until such time as the complete Ascended Master Constitution of the United States of America shall come forth, as the advance of the Golden Age proceeds.  

There are several transcripts attributed to Jesus himself included in The "I AM" Discourses.  These discourses include corrections about what is known today about his mission.  Here are two examples.

I tell you sincerely from My own Experience, that We must acknowledge the One Presence, Intelligence and Power; then, claim It as our own in our every thought and activity.  It is the only way this Mighty Perfection can be brought into the outer appearance and the fulness of your use.

I spent some time in Arabia, Persia and Tibet and closed my pilgrimage in India, where I met the Beloved Master who had then made the Ascension, although I did not know it at the time.  Through the Power of His Radiation, revelation after revelation came to me through which I was given expressions or statements that enabled me to hold steady the outer activity of my mind, until it no longer had power to disturb or retard me.

 This is a page from my scrapbook.  Diane Skafte's envelope is at the center with the contents displayed.  

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