Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Calls to "Coast to Coast AM" (1999-2003)


The website of the nationally syndicated “Coast to Coast AM” radio program explains that the show "deals with UFO's, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often unexplicable) phenomena.”  When I routinely listened to the show between 1997 and 2003, there occasionally were heard callers (and guests for that matter) who one might reasonably deduce were crazy or dishonest, so in retrospect I can understand how difficult it was for my own experiences to be evaluated by the show's hosts.  What made me different from most callers is that my experiences are extensively documented.

Unlike some of the authors featured on "Coast to Coast AM," I have never made a living from selling books and have to-date only published one book: the case study chronicling the beginning of what I can only describe as a unique 'spiritual awakening.'  One of the fundamental insights gained from these experiences is the subject of the preceding blog article.

The show biography for "Coast to Coast AM" current host George Noory mentions that he has said "if he weren’t a national radio talk show host he’d be in politics."  Obviously, dealing with a corporation the size of Clear Channel Communications is tantamount to being in politics.

Here are transcript excerpts from my calls heard on "Coast to Coast AM" broadcasts with the date and names of the host and guest, if any.  These calls followed my first two or three impromptu calls (neither well conceived or articulated) as a novice caller to Art Bell when he was the singular host of “Coast to Coast AM”  During this period there was also a Sunday night show previously hosted by Art Bell entitled "Dreamland" that was then being hosted by Whitley Strieber.  The complete transcripts of my calls along with transcripts of my various radio show guest interviews can by read at the "Radio Interview Transcripts" section of the website.  I had also occasionally faxed comments and articles to "Coast to Coast AM" hosts before fax use became outdated.  Transcripts of my commentary feature Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) notations in parentheses but these aren't included in the following excerpts to allow for easier readability.

Date: July 25/26, 1999
Host: Hilly Rose
Guest: Michael Peter Langevin
My call commentary included:

I had a comment on Nostradamus's prediction, which we've been hearing about all night and what I think is that America is the reincarnation of Mongolia. And Genghis Kahn lives on in every person who assumes that whatever actions they take are somehow ordained by God.

Date: Aug. 13/14, 1999
Host: Phillip Clarke
Guest: Tom Shroder
My call commentary included:

I wanted to ask Tom about accounts of synchronicity and non-memory reincarnation accounts because in my own case Spirit led me to discovering about my former incarnation and I even had material proof . . . do you have any accounts [where] there were similar cases where like, let's say, an angel guides someone to find out about their previous existence?

Date: Oct. 30/31, 1999
Host: Hilly Rose
Guests: Ed and Lorraine Warren
My call commentary included:

I'm glad I was able to get through because I am the Warrens' L.A. cousin.  My Warren family line goes back to Abraham Warren though I don't know if they know me.  I did send them Email.  Does Mark Russell Bell ring a bell with you two?

Date: Nov. 12/13, 1999
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

. . . countries and corporations don't really exist.  They're just names on paper.

Date: Jan. 12/13, 2000
Host: Rollye James
Guest: Bob Frissell
My call commentary included:

Well, of course, my take on the 'secret government' can be summed up in just two words: self-interest.  And the 'grand unified theory,' for that matter, is God I believe. 

Date: April 8/9, 2000
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: James Van Praagh
My call commentary included:

I think this is a question that really needs to be asked of every person who gives spiritual wisdom on the airwaves or has a book to share . . . with your wealth, how do you share the spiritual wisdom?  How do you manifest it in your life?  What charities are you involved with?

Date: May 5/6, 2000
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Lori Toye
My call commentary included:

My question concerns what you two just were talking about and that is these 'masters.'  And sometimes these comments and goals are very lofty but when we see these people with spiritual messages, how do they manifest them in their own lives?  Do they really give money to the poor?  I mean do they really profess more than just the capitalistic, corporate ideology?

Date: June 2/3, 2000
Host: Mike Siegel
My call commentary included: 

. . . when I was listening to you talk about "A Christmas Carol," I couldn't help but think that that was very similar to what we now call abduction visits.  Do you see the parallels between the two? . . . I also am reminded of "The Wizard of Oz" and Glinda the Good's bubble is very much like those translucent orbs seen near the crop circles.

Date: June 17/18, 2000
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

I thought I would mention how I first learned how to communicate with my Angel.  [What I meant was how I learned about communication received from my 'Angel' via Electronic Voice Phenomena but the call was terminated before I could reasonably explain.  This is one of the calls that shows how difficult it has been to try to explain my experiences in a few sentences.]

Date: July 17/18, 2000
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Shirley MacLaine
My call commentary included:

And I wanted to ask you — with so much exposure to the world of the rich and famous, maybe you can tell us what you believe is the solution to the biggest mystery and that's how the wealthy can imagine that God wants them to amass great wealth when so many people in the world are starving to death and the environment is being destroyed?

Date: August 27/28, 2000
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

Q: I was hoping that maybe you could ask your guests tonight if they're familiar with Bel-Marduk or, as he was known in Egyptology, Amun-Ra or Amen-Ra? Apparently, that was the original —
I: Right.
Q: — resurrection story.
I: Right. And actually they do address that. And they get into all of the incarnations, if you will, of that story.

Date: Sept. 9/10, 2000  
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Jim Berkland
My call commentary included:

I wanted to ask you something about your previous interview but, first, there was a book that I once read by Increase Mather called Remarkable Providences. It was dated 1684 — around that time.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And, basically, he was linking all kinds of preternatural occurrences with weather phenomena and earthquakes. You should take a look at that if you can find it. . . . Very old book.  [I didn't have the chance to ask the question I had planned about whether or not Berkland had heard any EVP in relation to his previous interview.] 

Date: Sept. 10/11, 2000
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

I had a comment on EVP/Electronic Voice Phenomena or spirit messages. I'd like to find out if you have any experience with that. I know Whitley Strieber has played one from his broadcast: "CAN YOU HEAR ME"; and I heard an author named Beverly Donofrio [on another radio show] who wrote Looking For Mary play a spirit message "THE BIRDS ARE UP" when she was being interviewed recently. But this is in relation to Friday night's show. Did you hear that, by any chance?
I: I'm afraid I didn't.
Q: Dr. Seth Shostak was on of SETI organization. Anyone unfamiliar with EVP or spirit messages, listen to the archived edition of that interview. Of course, this phenomenon can commonly be heard during broadcasts. I found that you can hear it in all recorded mediums and on different broadcasts yet I found the EVP very audible during the last two hours of the show — during the question and answer period. I heard messages such as "YES," "NO," "RIGHT."

Date: Sept. 23/24, 2000
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

. . . I thought I would mention about last night's show with Echo Bodine. Did you hear that?
B: I heard part of it. Not the whole thing.
Q: Me too.  People should go to the archive shows because the spirit messages/EVP phenomena is getting quite noticeable. Especially with her. In the middle of her sentences, you can hear very distinct words such as "NO," um "BUT," "AND." I heard some "YOU KNOW"s.
B: Really?
Q: Mostly "NO"s. Like there was one time when she was talking about 'The Squadron' — about how people should call upon 'The Squadron' and there was a very distinct "NO" there. But, anyway, that's something that people can do on their own.

Date: Oct. 28/29, 2000
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

I just wanted to share a thought that I had. I was reading a book by Richard Wurmbrand, a well-known evangelical minister who was imprisoned for many years in Rumania between 1948 and 1964. And it just made me realize that our capitalistic system is very much like the communistic system after all.
B: In what way?
Q: Well, as he describes in his book because he had to undergo imprisonment and torture for his beliefs — everything in these countries, he wrote — radio, television, cinema, theatre, press, publishing houses — they all had the aim of stamping out a belief in God.

Date: Dec. 27/28, 2000
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Joyce Riley
My call commentary included:

I think the fundamental problem here is that people don't take responsibility.  They just say, "Well I'm following orders."  So and that's how they get around it. I, myself, am like you and I've documented the problem with this thought at my website and I've tried to show the karmic difficulties with that.

Date: Dec. 31/Jan. 1, 2001
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

For me, as one who has gone from a large income to a small one I can tell you that most of the things money can buy are detrimental, I think, to the quality of life.

Date: Jan. 2/3, 2001
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: John Hogue
My call commentary included:

. . . what you were saying before about how religion is interpreted in many different ways also seems true for Nostradamus. In some cases, I think this is correct but others are very clear like Century X, Quatrain 72 where 1999 is mentioned and then others like Century 1, Quatrains 95 and 96 which seems very specific and clear.

Date: Jan. 19/20, 2001
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Lawrence Gordon
My call commentary included:

I've listened carefully to the events Mr. Gordon has described and the premises for his — some of his conclusions . . . have you considered there might be a more complex interpretation and purpose to the unseen forces being demonstrated in your home?
L: I — yes, the thought has occurred to me but after having the conversations that we've had in the last fifteen years with Roger, specifically, our friendly ghost, if you will, I do not think that there are any undertones that we're not aware of. I think he is a little troubled by the fact that he is stuck where he is. I personally think he would rather go on. I think his days — his endless days, if you will, of being a ghost — being a spirit in this case and being stuck here, so to speak, and sort of being in-between the two worlds — he has not really gone on to his world or whatever is beyond for him and he's not yet fully physically a part of this world that we live in.
Q: Let me take it to another point. Do you believe there is an organizing Spirit to the universe?
L: Yes. Yes, I do.

Date: Feb. 9/10, 2001
Host: Art Bell
My call commentary included:

I wanted to follow up that previous caller talking about spirit/human communication because I believe it's already happening.  And, of course, Electronic Voice Phenomena is what it's called.
A: I know all about that but is this part of a prediction because this is a prediction show.
Q: Yes, it is.  I'm predicting that people will become aware about Electronic Voice Phenomena this year.  Broadcasting technology allows this phenomena as does tape recording . . . the famous people in the field include Thomas Edison, Konstantine Raudive, Friedrich Jurgenson, and John C. Lilly.

Date: Feb. 10/11, 2001
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included: 

. . . there were many instances of Electronic Voice Phenomena/spirit messages. I finally found a way to help others recognize them. What I did is I recorded ten of these from the archive show on audio tape less than forty-five seconds in length to show people what they sound like for future recognition . . . anyway, I just taped that from the archive edition.  It sounds very much just like normal speech.  The tonality is different on some of them . . . And, having studied this phenomena for a while now, I — I do see a correlative phenomenon in which people speak — sometimes when people speak — sometimes when they say spiritual truths say "no" in the middle of a sentence without even realizing it.  It's something that I've been able to observe.

Date: Feb. 14/15, 2001
Host: Art Bell
My call commentary included:

I have comparatively clear understanding about my Entity interaction even though I think Spirit is a better word, perhaps.  But I think I'll refer back to that November 1995 TV special entitled "Ghosts, Mediums, Psychics: Put To The Test." . . . and then at the very end of the thirty-minute special [segment] a reporter asked the Entity — his name was Mighael —  to give a sign, there was a howl in the distance, which was sort of establishing a connection to the animal's subconscious or Superconscious mind.

Date: March 10/11, 2001
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

I wanted to make an observation or share one, rather, about spirituality as a category of discussion on the show . . . what's confusing is how someone can address the topic of personal growth and not make clear that this goal must encompass helping the less fortunate improve their own lives in concrete ways beyond discussing a certain belief system.

Date: March 20/21, 2001
Host: Art Bell
My call commentary included:

Hi, I was thinking tonight while I was listening to Ginny and Diane that phenomena really are symptoms and symbols providing an opportunity to expand one's awareness about each of our — ours' most profound relationship, perhaps.  

Date: March 26/27, 2001
Host: Art Bell
My call commentary included: 

A lot of the archangel tales, however, can be traced back to Michael.  [This was a call when I was complaining about Art's 'Antichrist Hotline.']

Date: April 8, 2001
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

[regarding Electronic Voice Phenomena]  Well, for example, as I had played on a previous show, in the middle of UFO witnesses' comments, you could hear the word "NO" very clearly during their speech.  And this is a phenomenon that can be heard on almost all recording tape as well as broadcasts but people just edit it out because they don't understand it and they just don't think that something [like that] is possible.  Listening to the interviews on "Coast to Coast AM," it's something that I'm very aware of and it really helps me to key in on what someone is — how correct they are about their observations. Especially where spiritual subjects are [concerned] —
I: Then you suppose from that somebody is — they're or an entity is there editorializing as the other person is speaking?
Q: Helping.  Yes, it's the Christ Force, the Angel Mighael — there are many different names for it.  And, of course, what I believe is that by looking at the famous paranormal cases throughout history you do get a clear perception of this Force.

Date: May 13, 2001
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

. . . as one of those who has experienced a spiritual awakening, it wasn't really until then that I perceived how primitive society really is.  Despite all the technological advances.  I mean look what's happening to the whales.  There's been a few divers found drowned off the coast, for that matter.

Date: July 2, 2001
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

I want to show that not everyone who's had paranormal experiences has been a guest on your show.

Date: April 11, 2002
Host: Art Bell
My call commentary included:

Your news headlines tonight and something I've been reading in my journalism newsgroup just made me realize how important it is to take an analytical approach to these things.  Rather than a judgmental one, I think.

Date: July 17, 2002
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

There's a fear of unseen forces so when you have to deal with this in your life and share it with others to help expand their consciousness, it sort of makes it difficult for you because people do have a fear.  [This remark followed my commentary about Edgar Cayce.]

Date: Aug. 30/31, 2002
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

I think that Spirit communicates to us on the level that we understand. . . . [about Dr. Ken Hanson] he talked about finding a fragment that had mentioned the Son of God.  Of course, this was pre-Jesus of Nazareth.  And in my case, after my experience, — I guess once you've had this experience you become sort of a messenger.

Date: Nov. 11, 2002
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

. . . I thought I would share a little of my own experience with God —
G: Alright.
Q:  — Who I've described in the past as not only His or Her own Being; also the ultimate split personality.
G: Hmmm.
Q: I believe that God speaks through every voice . . .

Date: Dec. 26/27, 2002
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

. . . every day really is Christmas if you understand and accept that God or Spirit or All That Is, whatever you want to call it, Christ Consciousness, He/She/They work through people's subconscious minds to create opportunities.

Date: Jan. 5/6, 2003
Host: Barbara Simpson
Guest: Karen Boren
My call commentary included:

I think the most important thing in this kind of research is how it is manifested in one's life so at this point in the game how would — let's say that God indicated somehow to you — and you can, Bar(bara) — answer this too, Barbara, if you will — to prove love, for example, how would you go about doing such a thing?
B: To prove what?
Q: Love.
B: Love?
Q: Yes.  Love of God?
B: Oh. Alright.  Love of God.  Karen?
K: Well —
B: How do you prove love of God?
K: Well do you know what?  Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."  I mean I — I try to do that and I try to — to love other people; to, you know, accept them where they are; to not be judgmental but basically it's "If you love me, keep my commandments."  And I try.  I — I fail a lot but I try.
B: That — listen, that — that's one of the toughest things and, as I said earlier today to somebody, "It's not a multiple choice test."  (laughs)  There are ten commandments and you're supposed to follow all of them.  How — how do you — I would agree with — with Karen, Mark.  You know.  You prove your love by what you do.  You — you don't see love.  You see the manifestation of love.  Even between a man and a woman or a mother and a child and certainly between a human and God.  Would you find something else in that?
Q: Well personally for me, the way I go about that is looking for various signs and then trying to walk with Spirit in fulfilling His will through those signs.

Date: Jan. 14/15, 2003
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

So after all these weird stories and you've been hosting "Coast to Coast" for a while now, I think it would be interesting for us to find out if you consider yourself any further along in developing spiritual understanding — 'connecting the dots,' so to speak. The reason —
G: Well I always — I always thought that I was pretty far around even before I came on to "Coast to Coast."
Q: Yeah, because — the reason why I ask is a Conscious Living Expo started today over at the LAX Airport Hilton and — well I have a booth and I'm very disturbed by some of the things I hear people say like "I don't read."  I mean it's hard for people to distinguish when something is worthwhile.  You've got so many booths.  You've got Maitreya, Scientology, Urantia.  So I think it's so important for people like yourself to share with others their process of arriving at the truth.

Date: June 21/22, 2003
Host: Barbara Simpson
My call commentary included:

. . . And I just wanted to let others know that you can understand how EVP occurs if you compare the phenomena with other documented accounts of Spirit interaction.

Date: August 6/7, 2003
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

. . . I read the book Uri; a journal of the mystery of Uri Geller by Andrija — I think you pronounce it — Puharich.  Anyway, this was an account of a "cosmic being" or "controller," if you will, that described themselves to the author as an assortment of Principles, Forces and personalities manifesting around Uri. Along with the author, of course.
G: Well, as you know, he — Mr. Geller claims — he doesn't like to talk about it anymore — that when he was a kid, he was blasted by a beam from a UFO.
Q: Right.  And — and so this Force encouraged a movie to be made about him, talked about a "Knowledge Book" that would be coming out.  The cosmic being was quoted as saying on page 184: "We bend, move, material and dematerialize things."
G: Well I want to know more about you than Mr. Geller.
Q: Um-huh.
G: I want to know do you manifest these objects around you or does — do they just pop up?
Q: Well, just like Uri (P. 142): "Now I really know that it is not me.  They are doing all the work . . ."  He said (P. 187): "When I demonstrate my powers, it's not me.  Somebody is trying to show us something, and by this, teaching us . . ."
G: Are they trying to show us something or trying to show you something?
Q: Well, again, various individuals are selected, such as Sai Baba, let's say.

Date: August 17/18, 2003
Host: Ian Punnett
My call commentary included:

Q: Hi, Ian.  That was interesting about Hollywood being the next 'holy wood.'
I: Yeah, that was . . .
Q: [regarding the new book God As Mother by Victoria Jennings]  But I have read the book so let me just summarize why it's important.  It basically shows how Marie Hall was allowed to make a leap in consciousness—based on her experiences—to understand the birth of God. And so just the mysteries and anagrams, codes and secrets that she — that were being discussed tonight do not get lost because there are others who will have this leap in consciousness.
I: Oh that's good to know.
Q: The bible is all about opportunities, after all.  And I guess I — I should tell people if they also want to read more about that to go to the testament dot org website because they can learn more — all about some of those connections.

Date: Sept. 17/18, 2003
Host: George Noory
My call commentary included:

And I was reading Charles Fort — kind of disturbing book "Lo!" with an exclamation mark and it reminded me to call you.
G: Okay.  Why?
Q: Well his conclusion was about, of course, an "underlying oneness," which is something you seem to have insight on.
G: I've got — I've got too many ones in my life.
Q: Right.  Well the Underlying Oneness I think brings us the ones who teach us the right lessons, so to speak.
G: That is true.  That is absolutely true.
Q: And I was wondering did you ever have a chance to go to the website?
G: No.
Q: Because when somebody like me who has these experiences — we were talking before about the objects manifesting around me.  It's really hard to communicate so — and, of course, I — it's not a commercial website.

Date: Nov. 12/13, 2003
Host: George Noory
Guest: Deepak Chopra
My call commentary included:

Mr. Chopra mentioned advertising as brainwashing.  So how do you help people see beyond a culture that promotes materialistic accumulation over spiritual responsibility?  Maybe an interesting metaphor would be good.  I could give a quick one as a coincidence —
G: Well I'd rather — I'd rather hear his than yours.
D: No, actually maybe — he's got a very good point in how do we go beyond the hypnosis of social conditioning?  And that is how do we change the media itself to be more responsible?  Why are we as a nation so obsessed with Kobe Bryant's trial or Winona Ryder's —
G: Um-huh.
D: — shoplifting habits when 40,000 children are dying of hunger every day?  That's one of the objects of our humanity — the Alliance for the New Humanity, the — to actually get responsible media to participate in social responsibility and spiritual responsibility.


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